Alexander Ziegler wurde 1987 als exzentrischer Träumer, Visionär & unermüdlicher Fragensteller in Berlin Köpenick geboren. Von den wilden Umbruchsjahren der Deutschen Wiedervereinigung und die Generation Praktikum geprägt, hat er nach vielen Irrwegen schließlich seine Berufung als freier Fotojournalist und internationaler Hochzeitsfotograf gefunden.
Er studiert z.Z. Reportage- & Dokumentarfotografie an der Hochschule Hannover um seinen Fokus auf die kleinen und großen Geschichten dieser Welt zu legen, die ihm persönlich von großem Wert sind. Mit viel Interesse, Respekt und der nötigen Zeit versucht er stets seinen eigenen menschlichen & journalistischen Standpunkt zu festigen.
„Reisen veredelt wunderbar den Geist und räumt mit all unseren Vorurteilen auf.“ (Oscar Wilde)
His work is represented by Plainpicture
- Feb: advanced training by Felix Koltermann Bilder im Kontext, Berlin/Germany
- Mar: participation at Fearless Conference 2019, Aachen/Germany
- Apr: participation at Photography is Art Meetup, Mallorca/Spain
- Sep: advanced training for documentary exercise wedding photography by Joshua D’hondt and Rocio Vega, Split/Croatia
- Mar: participation at Fearless Conference 2018, Split/Croatia
- Mar: participation at Photography is Art Meetup, Wismar/Germany
- Sep: advanced training for wedding photo journalism by Franck Boutonnet at Eyes in Progress, Berlin/Germany
- Jul: advanced training for constructing and presenting long-term photography & documentary projects by Rob Hornstra and Arnold van Bruggen at centre national de l’audioviuel, Dudelange/Luxembourg
- Mar: participation at Fearless Conference 2017, Budapest/Hungary
- Oct: advanced training for street photography by Craig Semetko at LFI Masterclass, Hamburg/Germany
- Aug: advanced training for visual storytelling by Darcy Padilla at centre national de l’audioviuel, Dudelange/Luxembourg
- Mar: participation at Fearless Conference 2016, Porto/Portugal
- Dec: advanced training by Marvin Oppong Recherche Lab VI, Berlin/Germany
- July: advanced training Communication Camp IV, Darmstadt/Germany
- May: field trip as a student, Istanbul/Turkey
- Mar: advanced training by Felix Koltermann Fotografie im Konflikt, Berlin/Germany
- Feb: advanced training by Marvin Oppong Recherche Lab V, Köln/Germany
- Feb: advanced training Communication Camp III Frankfurt/Germany
- Dec: advanced training Recherche Lab II, Berlin/Germany
- Oct: beginning of studying photojournalism at the University of Applies Sciences, Hannover/Germany
- Feb: advanced training „Arbeitswelten“ bei Rolf Nobel, Hannover/Germany
- freelance work as a photographer/photo assistant
- June: internship in fine art baryt print at Jochen Rohner, Berlin/Germany
- education in studio photography at photostudio Axel Lauer, Berlin/Germany
- internship in online-marketing at Agentur Mai, Berlin/Germany
- beginning of Studies in the field of applied computer studies at the Humboldt University, Berlin/Germany
- born in Berlin/Germany
Photo Assistant & Digital Operator:
- Götz Schleser, Berlin/Germany
- Waldemar Salesski, Berlin/Germany
- Kien Hoang Le, Berlin/Germany
- Michael Reitz, Berlin/Germany
- Kasper Jensen, Berlin/Germany
- Frau Dinkel, Berlin/Germany
- Roman Matejov, Hamburg/Germany
- Anja Behrens, Hamburg/Germany
- Gulliver Theis, Hamburg/Germany
- Matthias Schlief, Hamburg/Germany
- Alex Otto, Köln/Germany
- Nina Weymann-Schulz, Hannover/Germany
- Daniel Hermann, Hannover/Germany
- Thomas Langer, Nürnberg/Germany